Coming in the Summer of 2025
Based upon countless interviews and studying hundreds of schools, I’ve been on a thirty-year mission to identify those traits that lead to faithful and flourishing Christian schools. This book summarizes what I discovered, and offers a simple guide for any school that aspires to go further down the path to fidelity and flourishing in serving students with their distinctly Christian mission.

Inspired by real-world events and experiences – real-world challenges – Prep Talks is a collection of fictional accounts that address critical issues in contemporary education, providing school leaders with studies they can use for professional staff development so educators can better prepare for and address the challenges of being a Christian school in the modern world.escribing your block.

Many Christian schools are struggling to survive and make sense of what it means to be faithful to their unchanging mission while reaching and serving a wide array of young people and families. There are a broad range of models for Christian education–from online schools to community-based homeschooling to classical schools–and looking at different models can inform and inspire fellow Christian educators.

There is no one untouched by technology in our modern culture. Pastors, teachers, and families are looking for ways to understand how technology influences our relationships, our families, our churches, and our faith lives. Digitized articulates how everyone is affected and what Christians can do in response.escribing your block.

How do you teach the faith at church and school—not just in religion or confirmation class—but at every opportunity throughout the day? Written by Concordia University professors who equip future church workers, The Pedagogy of Faith is a unique textbook for college and university courses.

In Adventures in Self-Directed Learning, Dr. Bernard Bull draws from over a decade of research to build a compelling case for the importance of nurturing agency, ownership, and a capacity for self-education in learners. He casts a vision for education in a connected age, offers readers a collection of practical suggestions for how to get started, and also works through common challenges and pitfalls.

What really matters in education? Amid headlines about standardized test scores, global rankings of students from different countries, technology-enhanced learning, the unreasonable costs of higher education, and preparing the workforce of tomorrow, what really matters? If we want to pursue education reform and improvements that truly benefit the lives of current and future students, where should we focus our efforts?

In no official capacity, this is where I share my rough draft musings about life, leadership, and learning.

Faithful & Flourishing Christian Schools
A online publication & podcast devoted to seeking, celebrating, cultivating, and learning about faithful and flourishing Christian education.

Moonshot Institute
The Moonshot Institute is a selective and confidential coaching, mentoring, thought partnership, and feedback platform for leaders, founders, designers, and policymakers pursuing bold, transformative ventures in education.